Try this routine when you first wake to help establish a mindful morning. Sport psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais recently described an example of a morning routine on a podcast. Modifying that routine to fit the acronym BEGIN we have a four step process for establishing presence and intention.
Breathe- Immediately upon waking take one slow and deliberate breath. Establish- Following your deliberate breath roll over and place your feet on the floor. Feel your feet make contact with the floor and establish a physical presence. Gratitude- Then think of one thing you are grateful for. INtention- Set an intention for the day. One of the simplest ways to boost your resilience and improve your mood is to develop your ability to feel a sense of gratitude. Developing what Cicero referred to it as the mother of all virtues can have a large impact on your well-being.
Our minds are constantly being bombarded with negative perceptions. Those negative thoughts rule our emotional state. Accepting these thoughts and emotions lead to counterproductive patterns of action, which can hinder our ability to be our best. As Pollyanna as it may sound we could all benefit form taking a step back and recognizing things in our life to be grateful for. Taking it one step further those who develop an attitude of gratitude have been shown to sleep better, be less reactive to stress, and have better relationships. The mind takes its shape from what it holds onto, so take the time to mold yours. Start each night writing down three things that happened in your life that day that you were grateful for. Then take 30 seconds for each describing what made it stand out. |